IBM Cognos TM1 (formerly Applix TM1, formerly Sinper TM/1[1]) is enterprise planning software used to implement collaborative planning, budgeting and forecasting solutions, as well as analytical and reporting applications. Data in IBM Cognos TM1 is stored and represented as multidimensional OLAP cubes, with data being stored at the "leaf" level. Computations on the leaf data are performed in real-time (for example, to aggregate numbers up a dimensional hierarchy). IBM Cognos TM1 includes a data orchestration environment for accessing external data and systems, as well as capabilities designed for common business planning and budgeting requirements (e.g. workflow, top-down adjustments).
Several new features were added to IBM Cognos TM1 9.5, the most visible being TM1 Contributor, which combines an OLAP engine with the enterprise planning capabilities of IBM Cognos Planning in a Web-based client. Other features include an "Undo/Redo" capability that lets users store a collection of data value changes and walk back through the actions to undo them; pick lists for cells to reduce the amount of data entry performed; sandboxes for creating personal modeling scenarios; and data entry shortcuts.


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